I am aware that in locations mentioned above (previous post) the altitude is not really that high. 2500m is nothing to be too crazy about and international pressure to push for Iten is a bit overrated. I think the main advantage of Iten is the ability to compete with the best ones and that’s it. Otherwise there are towns located 4000m+. Proper towns, not some tiny settlements.As High Altitude towns are my favorite destinations and the best perspective to explore new lands,  I happened to get to know quite a few of them all around the world. I list some of them here, and in this field Soth America rules:
(sources of the images: Wikipedia)

El Alto, Bolivia, 4150mts, 1mln+

Cerro De Pasco, Peru, 4650mts, 0,07mln+

Puno, Peru, 3800mts, 0.01mln+

The altitude of 4000m is actually too high and doesnt allow for the optimal benefit of body adopting to lower oxygen level due to the air density drop. Perfect high altitude is closer to 3500m as it allows you to make the best out of the high altitude training. And there are plenty of towns to choose from. When it gets to 4000m and above the fat metabolism is being disturbed due to oxygen shortage and it has many consequences related to fitness and performance. 5000m+ doesn't really allow for the fat to burn at all and, basing on sugars, especially simple sugars,it is definitely not a great enhancement for your performance. And if you happen to arrive there by a motorbike, itis possible that in some cases you will experience the engine refusing to work. If you gain elevation within a very short time, for example arrive by a plane, the first 3 days do nothing! Otherwise the altitude sickness will extend your adaptation period signifficantly.

why simple sugars are not the best energy form?

At the end, short note worth mentioning. Apparently Buteyko method brings same results as high altitude training, regardless of what altitude you live at.